True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Month: June 2024

  • The Joy of Creation

    The Joy of Creation

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Since I started knitting and crocheting again about 15 years ago I’ve made a point to make a baby blanket for each child born to my nieces and nephews. Then, 5 years ago, our god-daughter had her first child. I made a couple of blankets for her, and when she turned… Read more

  • My Sweaty Genius

    My Sweaty Genius
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    Reading Time: 5 minutes Last Friday I wrote a short blog post about one of my favorite quotes:  Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. He (Thomas Edison) should know.  Everyone has heard of him.  As one of the greatest and most prolific American inventors, Edison acquired 1,093 patents.  That’s a hell of a lot… Read more

  • Inspiration vs Perspiration

    Inspiration vs Perspiration

    Reading Time: 2 minutes One of my favorite quotes comes from Thomas Edison. He said, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” If I were younger and more ambitious, (in other words, still looking to be more successful) I’d have that quote hanging prominently on one of my walls. That insight is true… Read more

  • True Wealth is Time…and Family

    True Wealth is Time…and Family

    Reading Time: 2 minutes As I was getting ready for bed last night I realized it was Monday night and I hadn’t even started thinking about my weekly Tuesday long post. I panicked for a moment. Then I remembered the tag line of this site is “True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time.” And… Read more

  • Yeah, We Had a Little Rain

    Yeah, We Had a Little Rain

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Last year we made the decision to plug the drain hole in our pool. At certain times of year we put a lot of water in the pool. We figured when it rains, why not collect that water and use it instead of having the pool drain down to a… Read more

  • Let’s Talk About the Weather

    Let’s Talk About the Weather
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    Reading Time: 5 minutes So many people, on hearing we live in Florida, think it’s hotter than blazes down here.  And it’s true that there are some days where it’s sweltering hot.  The thing is, it’s damned hot in Missouri sometimes.  Wisconsin too.  And in both those locations when it’s that hot, the humidity is… Read more

  • When a Book Isn’t Worth Your Time

    When a Book Isn’t Worth Your Time
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    Reading Time: 2 minutes Why does it feel so wrong to put a book on the discard pile (or in the trash) if you don’t want to finish it? No matter how appealing a book looks, or the synopsis on its jacket sounds when you acquire it, sometimes it just isn’t worth your time and… Read more

  • Happy 90th Birthday, Mom

    Happy 90th Birthday, Mom

    Reading Time: 5 minutes I am beyond blessed to still have a living mom to call and talk to, visit, consult, and honor whenever I want.  Physically she is shrinking in stature a little and slowing up.  She mentions the aches and pains more often than she used to.  She has to think more deliberately… Read more