True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Month: August 2024

  • Jackpot!

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    Reading Time: 2 minutes Two things this week happened that made me feel like I won the lottery. In a post a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned my resistant high blood pressure and a supplement I’d heard might help treat the cause rather than the symptoms. I started taking that supplement about 2 weeks… Read more

  • What’s the Payoff?

    What’s the Payoff?

    Reading Time: 5 minutes I’ve always had this theory about why the government passed a law against age discrimination.  I don’t think age is the root problem when an older employee gets let go, downsized, canned, forced out, or whatever the politically correct description is these days.  My theory is that it’s the attitude so… Read more

  • I Want to Learn to Meditate

    I Want to Learn to Meditate
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    Reading Time: 2 minutes All this health stuff the last couple of posts reminded me that one thing I really want to do is learn to meditate. They say (you know…they…the ones who aren’t me) that meditation has a lot of health and welfare benefits. I especially like the list that includes lowering stress, improving… Read more

  • Danger! – The Aggressive Pursuit of Comfort

    Danger! – The Aggressive Pursuit of Comfort

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Don’t we wait our entire working lives for retirement?   Not consciously of course, especially when we’re younger and in the prime of that aforementioned life.  But we’re aware from the time we begin working that we need to think about that upcoming season called retirement.  That awareness is primarily concerned with… Read more

  • The Truth About Aging

    The Truth About Aging
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    Reading Time: < 1 minute Somewhere in our internet browsing adventures recently Randy and I discovered Gary Brecka. Brecka has an unusual, fascinating, and compelling story about how he came to start a podcast called The Ultimate Human. He’s a non-physician human biologist whose life work has been the study of how the human body… Read more

  • Six Degrees of Separation

    Six Degrees of Separation
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    Reading Time: 5 minutes In May I flew from Florida to Wisconsin to celebrate my mother’s 90th birthday.  That flight was pretty amazing for a couple of different reasons.  I wrote about it then calling it A Modern Miracle or Two.  You can read that short post by clicking on the linked title in the… Read more

  • 86,400

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    Reading Time: 2 minutes I happened upon a Substack (essentially a blog hosting service) post this week from a favorite internet writer of mine, Seth Keshel.  You can read it here.  The post is about the 86,400 seconds of time each of us have to spend every single day of our lives.  I’ve written about… Read more

  • Florida’s Wild Weather

    Florida’s Wild Weather
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    Reading Time: 6 minutes After Hurricane Ian in September 2022, I didn’t write much about the experience of riding out our first hurricane.  I knew people wanted to know we were ok, and I said enough about it on this blog and social media to make sure they knew we were.  To be honest, I… Read more

  • Thought Bubbles

    Thought Bubbles
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    Reading Time: 1 minute Yesterday I had a great idea for today’s short post. Then I forgot what it was. Randy has a theory. He believes our thoughts exist in another dimension in bubbles that float all around us. They’re attached to us with something like the glue used on sticky notes. As we age,… Read more