True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Month: September 2024

  • We’re Fine, Lucky, and Grateful

    We’re Fine, Lucky, and Grateful

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Hurricane Helene passed about 160 miles west of us out in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday. She was another monster storm, just 2 days before the 2 year anniversary of Hurricane Ian. Many of the same people devastated during Ian are reeling this morning from another knock-out punch. Thankfully, we aren’t… Read more

  • How Does It Know???

    How Does It Know???

    Reading Time: 4 minutes I met a couple last week through a club we both belong to and who, I think, are going to turn out to be great friends.  They’re younger than we are. In fact, the woman is young enough to be our daughter.  We’ve had some interesting discussions about things new friends… Read more

  • The Beauty of Clouds

    The Beauty of Clouds

    Reading Time: 2 minutes A friend of mine once told me that her mother, years ago, when moving to Florida was newly popular, was in a heated debate with a friend. The friend was arguing that there was no scenery to speak of in Florida, that it was flat and uninteresting. The friend extolled the… Read more

  • Dancing!


    Reading Time: 4 minutes Those who know me well know that there are only three reasons to turn on the television in our house.  The most important one is to watch a Packers game.  No other screen in the house does a football game justice.  Same goes for the second reason, and that’s to watch… Read more

  • The Pain of Rebounding

    The Pain of Rebounding
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    Reading Time: < 1 minute We got the rebounder I mentioned in last week’s short post. I got on it thinking I would bounce for just the 2 minutes they said was all it took to do a complete flush of the body’s lymphatic system. Two minutes! Heck….anyone can do anything for two minutes, can’t… Read more

  • ZAMM Philosophy

    ZAMM Philosophy

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Literally, philosophy means love of wisdom.  A noble goal, to be sure.  I’ve always said that when my life is being celebrated (at least I hope someone will celebrate my life) I would like to be remembered as wise. The dictionary definition of philosophy is different. It is the study of the… Read more

  • Rebounding?

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    Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes something you’ve never heard of before comes into your world, and then you see it everywhere even though you never noticed it before.  That’s what happened recently with rebounding.  Randy sent me a Facebook reel (that’s a really short video, in case you didn’t know) about how rebounding is really… Read more

  • Pure Dumb Luck

    Pure Dumb Luck

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Randy and I moved a lot in our marriage.  I made a list not long ago and counted 18 change of residences in our 49 years.  In a lot of those places, we didn’t consider how the home’s location or features would affect our quality of life.  Surely, we wanted to… Read more