True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Month: October 2024

  • The Great, The Good, and the Ugly

    The Great, The Good, and the Ugly

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Though we left New Hampshire on Friday, we still had a few more days in New England before we began the meandering trek home to Florida.  At least, meandering was our intention for the trip back to Florida.  Our first stop, recommended by a friend who lives near us and is… Read more

  • Surely You Can See What I See

    Surely You Can See What I See

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Our week in New Hampshire ends today. It’s been great. On Wednesday we visited the Atlantic coastline of three states in the space of about an hour. It was an interesting, fun, and unique experience. The beaches in the northeast are so different from those in southwest Florida. There were no… Read more

  • It’s the Journey…

    It’s the Journey…

    Reading Time: 5 minutes The posts for the next few weeks will essentially be travelogues.  We’re discovering, for the first time, parts of the country we have never experienced.  Come along on this journey with us.  After spending 5 restful days in North Carolina, we begin the journey north on Sunday.  Our destination, as you… Read more

  • Cary, NC

    Cary, NC
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    Reading Time: 2 minutes Randy’s sister Kristine and her husband Gary have lived in Cary, NC for more than 45 years. I always thought of it as a sleepy little bedroom community supporting its metro area, Raleigh. In 1980 its population was not quite 22,000 people. As we drove in this week I commented to… Read more

  • New England, Here We Come

    New England, Here We Come

    Reading Time: 5 minutes We booked a vacation rental house in New Hampshire about 8 months ago for the Fall 2024 leaf peeping season (yup, that’s a thing).  Now, only a week out, I’m amazed that I correctly guessed which week the fall colors in New England would be at their peak.  I’ve been looking… Read more