True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

5 Frogs on a Log

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left?

A few years ago I conducted the great Malaise Experiment. The idea was to go 21 days (in a row!) making good choices about what I ate, how and how much I moved, and choosing activities to enhance my life rather than just pass time. Theoretically, doing all that would ward off some of the malaise (being sick and tired of being sick and tired) I occasionally felt . I wrote about the Malaise Experiment in a former blog, but never actually made it through the whole 21 days.

I recently wrote a short blog post about making choices to give me a new lease on life. In retirement it’s easier to focus on what’s important to me. Right now that’s getting my body back into the shape God intended it to be. Which requires not only focus, but action. And action has never been my strong suit.

Which brings us back to my original question…how many frogs are left on that log?

Five frogs are left. You see, there’s a big difference between deciding and doing. And that seems to be one of my biggest shortcomings. My intentions are always good. My actions, not so much.

Today was the third day I dragged my butt out of bed to walk before it got too hot. And the third day I made good choices about eating. I even made a list of retirement projects I’ve been thinking about but so far haven’t taken any action on.

I feel physically better than I have for years. I pray that provides enough motivation to continue taking the action necessary to maintain or even improve that.

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