True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

The Pride of Piggly Wiggly

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

One of my guiltiest pleasures is donuts. I know I shouldn’t eat them for all the reasons you know you shouldn’t eat them. In an effort to limit the number of donuts I actually do devour I am particular about only buying and consuming my absolute favorite kind. I’m proud of the fact that it’s not uncommon for me to go into a grocery or convenience store, not see that they have my favorite donut, and walk out without buying anything sweet to eat. Sometimes it’s harder than others, but I do have standards and try, most of the time, to stick to them.

The other day I ran to the Piggly Wiggly where my sister works to talk to her in person about something to do with mom. Because it was early in the morning, prime time for donut cravings, I peeked at their donut case. Oh Lord, there they were. My favorite, fluffy (not thin hard shell-like) vanilla frosting on a unfilled long john. I couldn’t resist buying…two. For myself.

For the record, those two long johns from the in-house Piggly Wiggly bakery in Manitowoc, Wisconsin were the best long johns I’ve ever eaten. No joke. Thanks…from one pig to another. Oink, oink.

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3 responses to “The Pride of Piggly Wiggly”

  1. Michele Rose Avatar

    While reading your blog, it brought back a flood of past memories. My first job as a teenager was working at a donut shop. My stepfather owned the bakery, and my mom managed it. Working at the donut shop wasn’t always glamorous; I spent my summers meeting and interacting with fabulous customers. My responsibilities involved serving customers coffee and donuts, assisting customers at the cash register, keeping the store clean, and filling and frosting donuts. One rewarding aspect of the job was eating unlimited donuts for free! My mother told me that whenever I took a break, I could eat donuts at the back of the bakery (where they were fried). I recall filling Long John donuts with vanilla cream until they almost burst. Then, I smothered them with dark chocolate frosting. Once you’ve eaten a donut after it’s dropped out of the fryer, you can’t eat one any other way. In my book, there is simply no other way to eat them.

    1. Laurie Grathen Avatar

      I love cake donuts with white vanilla frosting too. But I could eat a dozen of those at a sitting so I stay away from them at all costs. My first job was behind the candy counter at the S.S.Kresge store in downtown Manitowoc. I’m surprised I survived without getting to weigh 300 lbs and Type 2 Diabetes. I don’t now what would have happened if I’d had the opportunity to work at a donut shop! Thanks for sharing that memory!

  2. Randy Grathen Avatar
    Randy Grathen

    Love your self deprecating take on the guilty pleasures of donuts and Long Johns. Truth be told, I could easily turn into a donut junkie too if I had any less self-control. That’s why I stay out of grocery stores and gas stations until I know the donuts & Long Johns have had time to dry out and lose their fresh, squishy goodness. LOL


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