Meet Laurie
I love (love, love!) the beach.
Three years ago, recently retired, my husband of (now) 48 years, Randy, decided that since I followed him around for years in the US Air Force, he’d follow me to where I wanted to live for a while. So we moved from mid-Missouri, where Osage Beach is not exactly what I had in mind when we moved there after his military retirement years ago. I have to say, though, that living in the Osage Beach area was far better than Green Bay, Wisconsin where we are from originally. Brrrrr.
We now live in heaven on earth as far as I’m concerned, the SW Gulf Coast of Florida. And I’m anxious to add some purpose to this earth-bound heavenly existence. So I will write. 68 and Counting is a eclectic and casual blog about retirement life in paradise, or whatever strikes my fancy when I sit down to write.
Thank you for reading. Please also participate in the discussions we might have here. I’ll be grateful for the interaction and we both may meet some great new friends along the way.