Category: Family
Time For a Short Break
Reading Time: 3 minutesMom’s here. As I suspected and wrote about in last week’s blog, from the moment she arrived, she’s been much more relaxed. She vocalized at least 10 times today, as she lay in the sun, how she just couldn’t believe she was here. It was a beautiful day. She put on her… Read more
My Mother is Coming
Reading Time: 5 minutesI’ve written often in this blog about my mother, how she and dad were so instrumental in shaping the woman I’ve become, how much I admire her, how she’s aging. It’s interesting to watch your parents age, isn’t it? Typically, at some point there is a gradual role reversal in terms of… Read more
Don’t Look Back!
Reading Time: 4 minutesI know it’s Christmas Eve. I know readers might expect me to write something Christmasy. But the truth of the matter is that I’m just not feeling it. And when I’m not feeling it, nothing worth reading flows through my fingers to the keyboard. Just so no one thinks I’m a complete… Read more
The Best Dad A Girl Could Have
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy dad made his permanent move to heaven (at least that’s the direction I think he went) 7 years ago. Dad worked hard, could fix anything, was tough on but loved his 6 kids, taught us right from wrong, was often as goofy as a big kid, and had a wicked,… Read more
Suddenly, It’s the Holidays!
Reading Time: 5 minutesI blinked. Suddenly, we’re less than a month from the END of 2024. We’ve passed Thanksgiving and are speeding toward Christmas. And then, just a few days later, it’ll be the year 2025. 2025! It sounds like a pop song from my high school years that asked whether man will still be… Read more
He Broke Through My Defenses
Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve never been an animal person. No animals ever crossed the threshold of my house, even if they were just visiting. The major reason for this aversion is I was bit by a neighbor’s dog when I, myself, was just a young pup. And again, when I was very young, I spent… Read more
All Year Long
Reading Time: < 1 minuteRandy and I went out to our favorite restaurant for lunch yesterday. Because this nasty cough is still hanging on going into the third week, we haven’t been anywhere in public together since nearly the beginning of the month. We marveled that Thanksgiving is next week, and the end of 2024… Read more
The Great, The Good, and the Ugly
Reading Time: 5 minutesThough we left New Hampshire on Friday, we still had a few more days in New England before we began the meandering trek home to Florida. At least, meandering was our intention for the trip back to Florida. Our first stop, recommended by a friend who lives near us and is from… Read more
Cary, NC
Reading Time: 2 minutesRandy’s sister Kristine and her husband Gary have lived in Cary, NC for more than 45 years. I always thought of it as a sleepy little bedroom community supporting its metro area, Raleigh. In 1980 its population was not quite 22,000 people. As we drove in this week I commented to Randy… Read more
Six Degrees of Separation
Reading Time: 5 minutesIn May I flew from Florida to Wisconsin to celebrate my mother’s 90th birthday. That flight was pretty amazing for a couple of different reasons. I wrote about it then calling it A Modern Miracle or Two. You can read that short post by clicking on the linked title in the previous… Read more