True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Category: Florida

  • The Beauty of Clouds

    The Beauty of Clouds

    Reading Time: 2 minutes A friend of mine once told me that her mother, years ago, when moving to Florida was newly popular, was in a heated debate with a friend. The friend was arguing that there was no scenery to speak of in Florida, that it was flat and uninteresting. The friend extolled the… Read more

  • Pure Dumb Luck

    Pure Dumb Luck

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Randy and I moved a lot in our marriage.  I made a list not long ago and counted 18 change of residences in our 49 years.  In a lot of those places, we didn’t consider how the home’s location or features would affect our quality of life.  Surely, we wanted to… Read more

  • Sharks! Damn You, Burning Bright

    Sharks! Damn You, Burning Bright

    Reading Time: 4 minutes I’m about to write a post on a subject about which I know literally next to nothing.  I do this out of self-preservation.  Here I am, 70 years old, a fearless (or so it seemed) water (the kind you submerge in) lover who’s able to float (without so much as a… Read more