One of my favorite quotes comes from Thomas Edison. He said, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” If I were younger and more ambitious, (in other words, still looking to be more successful) I’d have that quote hanging prominently on one of my walls.
That insight is true in most situations. So true I think it makes a good topic for next Tuesday’s longer post. For this morning though, I found just the opposite.
It’s getting to the point where the actual writing of my short Friday posts are easy peasy and only take a few minutes IF (and it’s a big IF) I can think of a topic that inspires me. Last night I went to bed clueless. But as happens so often with me, I woke up with a decent idea rolling around in what I call my twilight, that sweet semiconscious state between sleep and waking. For me, my twilight is a time where problems are solved, good ideas bubble up, and peace about worries manifest. In fact, the semiconscious (and unconscious, for that matter) state of the human mind is a fascinating topic of study in retirement. That study and topic is another whole, much longer, blog post for some other time.
For this morning’s post, the inspiration took a while and the perspiration was a no show. I’ll explore some of the much more sweaty inspirations people have had on Tuesday. Stay tuned.
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