Two things this week happened that made me feel like I won the lottery.
In a post a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned my resistant high blood pressure and a supplement I’d heard might help treat the cause rather than the symptoms. I started taking that supplement about 2 weeks ago, but it was only in the past week that I discovered from someone else taking it that his blood pressure didn’t respond until he increased the dose he was taking. I doubled my dose and within 48 hours my blood pressure had dropped 20 points. My blood pressure this morning was lower than I ever remember seeing it. I plan to monitor the situation closely, and then report to my doctor how I brought it down without more medication. I’m hoping I might be able to wean off some of the 4 blood pressure meds (all pretty ineffective) I take daily.
The second thing, also more than 25 years in the making, is that I finished the first draft of my book, Thinking 2 Steps Ahead. I heard once that the first draft is called the Down Draft, just get it down on paper. The second draft, called the Up Draft, is where it gets fixed up. Yesterday, I finished what I planned to be the final chapter. I pulled up my notes and the outline to see what else had to be worked on, and I realized that the book was done. The Down Draft is finished. Believe me when I say it was surreal to recognize that I. Finished. Writing. My. Book. Yes, there’s a lot of work left before it’s ready for publication, but it’s written.
Goldarn, it’s been a great week!
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