True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Lots and Lots of Tribute

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Music is a large part of retirement life in southwest Florida. I have no actual knowledge of the statistics, but I’m willing to bet it’s the world’s capital for tribute bands.

Tribute bands make their living performing the music of one or two specific groups or musicians, often trying their best to look and act as well as sound like them. They bring back a lot of memories. They especially give us old(er) folks the occasion to party like the teen-agers we no longer are.

Last night we saw Satisfaction, a Rolling Stones tribute band. We were never big Rolling Stones fans and never watched them perform, but Randy was surprised by how many of their songs were familiar to us. They were, I think, the #2 band in the world behind the Beatles. Our friends, more familiar with them, said the Mick Jagger guy moved and “danced” better than real Mick. I thought he was kind of spastic. But they sounded good, better and better, in fact, as the evening wore on. Keep in mind, there were copious amounts of alcohol involved. Even if you weren’t drinking, as I was (wasn’t?), the party was contagious.

The best tribute band we’ve seen was Majesty of Rock, which played Journey and a little bit of Styx. Teddy Peddy and the Refugees weren’t great, but we don’t know Tom Petty’s music. The Beatles tribute band on the Panama Canal cruise was terrific. But last night, Satisfaction was quite satisfying.

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