True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Rely on Yourself

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Reading Time: 2 minutes
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

I’ve had a bit of a battle this week trying to get my blood pressure prescriptions coordinated between my doctor’s office and my mail-order (MO) pharmacy.

Several weeks ago my doctor renewed a script for one of my meds. Then I got a text from the MO pharmacy saying they were out of that med, didn’t know when, but they’d let me know when it was back in stock. Not wanting to run out, the doc wrote me a script to obtain a supply at a local CVS to tide me over. About 2 weeks ago, the MO place let me know the med was back and asked if I wanted them to process my script. I replied, Yes.

A week later, no new meds were delivered. I checked online and the script was on hold, waiting for a clarification of something they sent to my doc’s office. Several phones calls per day ensured for the next 4 days as I tried to coordinate what the pharmacy needed, what the doc thought, and trying to get the meds released.

Yesterday morning I think we got it all straightened out. I made a comment to the nurse at my doctor’s office about how grateful I am that I am still bright enough, patient enough, and cogent enough to follow up on my own problems like this. We had a short discussion where we both agreed that it’s imperative folks don’t just trust that what they think is going to happen, or assume that what they are told will happen, will actually happen.

That point was driven home today by a call from my mom who is confused and distressed by a medical issue she’s having that she can’t seem to sort out by herself.

It’s a good reminder, as we age, to make sure you never stop relying only on yourself. And if you know someone who can no longer do that, offer your services to help them. It will ultimately help you be able to continue to rely on yourself as long as is physically possible.

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