True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Sahara Dust

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The first time I heard the term Sahara Dust in the context of this post was a month or two ago when weather guessers were predicting that this hurricane season could be one of the worst on record. They qualified that by saying the wild card this year that could help prevent the really bad stuff might be Sahara Dust. This dry African dust apparently has the ability to choke tropical systems.

I’m not much of a doomer so I didn’t jump on record hurricane season bandwagon. What will be will be, and all that. I didn’t give Sahara Dust one moment of thought either.

After I got home from Wisconsin last week I went out early a couple of mornings and began the never ending job of weeding the landscape beds around the pool cage. Two days later my nose was running like a faucet and my eyes were watering like sprinklers. I still haven’t figured out if it’s allergies or a mild cold. It cleared up about 3 days later. then the scratchy throat and gunky head came back again yesterday. Zyrtec seems to help so my opinion is coming down on the side of allergies even though I’ve never had them before.

Today, all over Facebook, and then the news (which I had to go looking for because I don’t seek out news regularly) people are saying Sahara Dust is the culprit for making people gunky this week. How is it that they keep inventing all these things I’ve never heard of in 70 years? This Sahara Dust is, supposedly, responsible for the grey skies the past several days and is detrimental to folks with respiratory issues (apparently like me). And yikes! Sahara Dust negatively impacts coral reefs and is linked to algae blooms.

What will they think of next to make us all crazy?

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