The older I get, the more I (unintentionally) resemble people I think of as old foggies.
Here we are, not even a week into our 10 day vacation to Missouri and I’m ready to go home.
Not that I’m not enjoying seeing everyone, visiting former haunts, and eating like I’m on vacation. I am. But what I find as I get older is that being out of my routine is more and more difficult and disconcerting. Not being able to be in my own space, keep my comfortable routine, sleep in my own bed, and burp and pass gas at will are really messing with my psyche. And that eating thing is really messing with my body.
I think back to the days, not too long ago at all, where I figured that traveling around the country in an RV for months at a time would be super cool. Lordy, I am glad that desire of mine never came to fruition.
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