True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

Thought Bubbles

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Reading Time: 1 minute
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Yesterday I had a great idea for today’s short post. Then I forgot what it was.

Randy has a theory. He believes our thoughts exist in another dimension in bubbles that float all around us. They’re attached to us with something like the glue used on sticky notes. As we age, that glue becomes less and less sticky so sometimes, if we move too fast, the bubble doesn’t stick well and becomes unattached, but still floating around. You know how sometimes you walk into a room but can’t remember why (come on…you know you’ve done that!)? Randy’s theory is that all you have to do is walk back to where you were when you decided to move and the thought bubble reattaches so you remember why you went into that room. Don’t laugh. It works. If you think I’m kidding, try it next time you forget why you went into another room. And then let me know in the comments what happens.

I thought of the great idea for this post when I was in the pool yesterday afternoon. I didn’t realize I’d forgotten the idea until much later and by then I’m sure that dang thought bubble had drifted away. I never did remember what the good topic was. But the experience made me remember thought bubbles and that made a quick, amusing (I hope) post.

As we age, we gotta learn to improvise.

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2 responses to “Thought Bubbles”

  1. Lynn Avatar

    I’m always behind on reading your posts and was pleasantly surprised to see you brought up Randy’s “thought bubble” theory. I remember his theory from decades (did I say decades? Yup!) ago. I always loved his theory. I still have a typed copy that shows up every few years when I go through the miscellaneous file I have kept for years. I like the new “Wake Board” theory Randy added in his comment. I used to have Kristine’s “Kiwi” story but I guess I lost it somewhere along the way.

  2. Randy Grathen Avatar
    Randy Grathen

    HA, Ha, Ha… I leaned something new about thought bubbles just yesterday. I was sitting at the kitchen table and decided to get some tortilla chip to go with our salsa and homemade tocos. I walked to the pantry, opened the door, looked in and wondered what I came for. All I did was look back around the corner to where I had been sitting and I suddenly I remembered. Apparently thought bubbles get caught in our wake as we walk and if you don’t travel too far it’ll catch up to us. More research required. Thanks Laurie.


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