True Wealth is Control Over Your Own Time

‘Tis the Week Before Christmas….

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

‘Tis the week before Christmas

When all through the house

Not much thought has been given

To anything regarding the holiday…

Yes, I know it doesn’t rhyme. Which is exactly how Christmas is going to overtake us this year without making much of an impression.

In my defense, we’ve been on the road a lot, and yesterday we left for that week on the beach I mentioned in last week’s post. A neighbor brought some Christmas cookies over before we left, bless her heart! And I’m going to finish writing and mailing 11 Christmas cards while I’m at the beach, mainly to elderly relatives or friends who we don’t have electronic communication with throughout the year.

I guess this is where I confess I’m kind of a bah, humbug kind of Christmas person. I’m not quite sure how I got this way. It may have something to do with having no children. And I’m fairly certain it also has to do with the fact that as a pretty dedicated career woman in the past, I never had much time (or inclination, if I’m being honest) to do a lot of Christmasy stuff. It’s a lot of work. And I don’t like that kind of work. Work that has to be done in a short time, for a short time, over and over again every year, for no reason other than tradition or obligation. Not my thing.

If we don’t do the whole holiday thing, chances are good I won’t overeat just because it’s the season to do that. And I really hate to struggle to buy people something based solely on a calendar obligation. A few years ago I simply stopped giving Christmas gifts. I felt guilty for a time, especially when I did not have one to give back when someone gave me something. I’m over that now (pretty much). I stopped the gift giving when, several years back, the retail industry decided to take CHRISTmas out of their holiday advertising. I retaliated by taking retail out of my holiday celebration.

No matter what time of the year, if I see something I think someone will love, I’ll get it for them. I love giving gifts I see and realize are perfect for a specific person. They are always thoughtful and often completely unexpected. Who doesn’t love surprises? And (I hope no one is too offended by this), I neither enjoy feeling obligated or want people to feel obligated to get me something just because of seasonal duty. In fact, doesn’t feeling the pressure of obligation completely ruin the intent of cheerful and loving giving? I’m over all that.

My aversion to gifts also harkens back to my desire to stop accumulating “stuff.” I want everything in my home to add value to my life. Very little “stuff” does that for me anymore. The best gift I receive these days is being invited to spend time with people I care about, having them tell me about their lives, their joys, their disappointments, and leave me knowing we both enjoyed our time together. And with a heartfelt hug.

Last year, our first Christmas in Florida, I wrapped lights around the triple pygmy palms we can see from the living room just past the pool. I hung nice big ornaments from the fronds and presto, I had a Christmas tree I absolutely loved. Inside, we put up the old colorful ceramic tree I asked Randy’s mom to pass on to me after she was gone. You know the kind. It has lights that stick through holes in the hard shell of the tree. I love that old, outdated thing. It makes me happy and it’s no work at all to put up and take down. Finally, we move Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the manager, who sit out all year in the dining room, to a place near that ceramic tree. Those Mary, Joseph & Jesus figurines are from an aunt and uncle who’ve made their permanent move to heaven, and I keep them out all year to remember Aunt Joan and Uncle Lee all year long.

We got word a couple of weeks ago that Randy’s sister Lynn and her husband, David, will make the trip to Florida for Christmas this year. When we were all living in Missouri, we ALWAYS had Christmas at their house because Lynn decorates beautifully for the holidays. It brings her joy to do that. So them deciding to come to Florida is a fabulous gift for me. The kind that is far more precious than anything they could buy and wrap and put under the palm tree.

May your Christmas be perfect for you in every way.

P.S. We arrived yesterday to spend a week or so at the beach house rented by good friends. It’s all decorated for Christmas and next week I’ll tell you all about this perfect gift.

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