Category: Musings
A Shrinking World
Reading Time: 4 minutesYou might recall the post I did several months ago when Randy and I travelled, by car, to Wisconsin and Minnesota for family weddings and visits. It was a good trip, but now that we live in the paradise of sunny southwest Florida, I’m much less excited about leaving home and visiting… Read more
No Politics, No Religion
Reading Time: < 1 minuteFinding something to post about twice a week is a challenge, especially when I’ve committed to steer clear of politics and religion, at least in a partisan fashion. As I was thinking about that today, I realized I have been collecting, for years, some of the most profound, interesting, comical, ironic,… Read more
What Will People Say?
Reading Time: 4 minutesOn your 80th birthday, what do you want people to say about you? And how is that different than what they will say about you? A friend and I are currently having a kind of deep, on-going, existential discussion. She and I are grappling with some of the same issues. In retirement… Read more
I Am Cynophobic
Reading Time: 3 minutesI am not an animal person. Although, for the first time in my life, I’m happy to report I am at a point where my sister Lisa can bring her beloved Dachshund, Ollie, to my house, overnight, and I’m comfortable enough to actually fall asleep. That’s a milestone for me. And another… Read more
Football, the Packers, and a 955-Year Waiting List
Reading Time: 4 minutesRandy and I were both born in Green Bay. Randy’s brother still lives in the house they grew up in just a block off Ridge Road, 6 blocks from Lambeau Field. Randy’s dad was a First Aid Manager for the Packers years and years ago, and Randy spent some quality kid time… Read more
Uniquely Portable Magic
Reading Time: 4 minutesI love books. I love reading. I read for pleasure, to gain knowledge, to learn history, for other perspectives, to increase my imagination, to help prevent cognitive decline. Reading has significantly expanded my vocabulary and improved my writing skill. Reading has enriched my life and taken me, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally,… Read more
Independence Day Musings
Reading Time: 4 minutesToday, as I write this, it’s the 4th of July. America celebrates. Really celebrates. I honestly don’t know or haven’t yet heard of anyone, regardless of political persuasion, race, color, religion, sex, gender, education level, social media status, occupation, or any of the hundred other things that divide us in this country… Read more
Friendship is an Action Word
Reading Time: 4 minutesI’m just full of old, tried (or maybe tired) and true sayings today. In addition to “Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold” there’s “No man (woman) is an island.” And the great 60s classic….”I get by with a little help from my friends.” And… Read more
The Cure for Anything
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy youngest sister Lisa is visiting. She lives in Naples and because she blazed the way moving to Florida 3 years ago, we now live here too. She was in Wisconsin and other parts north when we were earlier this month. We agreed, coming back to Florida after a mainly cool,… Read more
Beam Me Over, Scotty
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI can’t wait for the reality of teleportation. The drive home from Wisconsin was brutal. Twenty-four hours in the car, outside temperatures sometimes upwards of 100 degrees, and fuel prices at break-the-bank levels. There’s no place like home. But in the future, to get back and forth between home and the… Read more