Category: Musings
Ordinary People and Superpowers
Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve been busy in productive (rather than time wasting) activity the last several weeks. I’m focusing on pulling together everything I’ve written in the past for the Thinking 2 Steps Ahead book and trying to find a workable structure for it. It is a mighty struggle. Those of you who know me… Read more
If You’re Waiting for a Sign…
Reading Time: < 1 minuteDo you ever look for signs? Not road signs or street signs. You know, signs from God that something you’re thinking or doing is the right or wrong thing. Things that happen that you take as signs suggesting, confirming, or reinforcing something going on in your life, or showing you that… Read more
The Spectacular (But Crazy) Eclipse of 2024
Reading Time: 5 minutesYou had to be living under a rock to not know about the total eclipse that took place yesterday, visible along a wide swath of the United States. There are actually 4 types of solar eclipses, a total solar eclipse, an annular solar eclipse, a partial solar eclipse and a hybrid solar… Read more
Shopping the Resale Stores
Reading Time: 2 minutesWe went shopping yesterday…thrift shopping. Or so we thought. A lot of the stores we went to did have old, second hand, used stuff. I was surprised, though, to see how not thriftily they were priced. Perhaps that’s a sign of the financial times we’re in. Perhaps it’s me not understanding the… Read more
Spring Break on Boca Grande
Reading Time: 5 minutesMichele (one of my best friends and my most consistent beach buddy) and I went to the beach on Friday. It’s early in the year and we haven’t been to the beach, one of our favorite places, for a while. Our normal beach of choice is the 9th Street beach access at… Read more
Groundhog Day At The Beach
Reading Time: 4 minutesBig news this week….Punxsutawney Phil (PP) didn’t see his shadow, portending that we’d have an early Spring. No one really takes him seriously though, since in the 138 years folks have been paying attention to him on February 2 each year, he’s only been right 39% of the time. I don’t give a… Read more
Going Cold Turkey
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’m not losing any weight. I feel better, the fasting is going well, but the weight is stubbornly not coming off. I listened to some fasting YouTube videos while puzzling yesterday to see if I’d soak up any motivation or be inspired to weight loss excellence. I randomly picked this video… Read more
The Guest Test
Reading Time: 5 minutesWhen you live in Southwest Florida, weather wise, winter is the most magnificent time of the year. Someone once told us that there ARE two seasons in Florida, wet season and dry season. I contend that dry season could also be called guest season because dry season in Florida coincides with winter… Read more
Child/Parent Role Reversal
Reading Time: 5 minutesRandy and I were lucky to have parents married to each other for their entire adult lives. Three of the four of them are now gone. Only my mom, who will be 90 in June, remains. We both have good memories of our childhood. We were well taken care of by parents… Read more
My Favorite IF Things
Reading Time: 5 minutesI woke up Sunday morning with “Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens” on my mind. I know. Weird. They were the favorite things Julie Andrews sang about in Sound of Music, but it prompted me to think about my favorite things about intermittent fasting (IF). My last two blog posts were… Read more