Category: Shorts
You Can’t Get There From Here
Reading Time: 2 minutesI had to drive from our home to the Fort Lauderdale airport yesterday to pick up my niece and her daughter. It should have been a fairly quick 3 hour drive on I-75. But as I was leaving Port Charlotte I happened to pull up the route on Google maps and discovered… Read more
A Tupperware Tidbit
Reading Time: < 1 minuteNote: I got this information from a Facebook site and thought you’d enjoy this blast from the past. Did you know an amateur inventor and designer named Earl Silas Tupper first invented Tupperware around 1942. Then in the early 1950s, Brownie Wise, a middle-aged housewife and impoverished single mother living in… Read more
We Are Family…
Reading Time: < 1 minuteA few years ago, just before covid struck and created havoc with people’s lives, we were planning a reunion of sorts with most of Randy’s brothers and sisters. The plan was to rent an Air BnB near Williamstown, KY and tour the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum together. We all looked… Read more
Snow? Ah….NO!
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI saw a picture on Facebook the other day of the snow that’s falling in the mountains of California. I thought it would make a good post, but couldn’t find that particular photo again. But I did find this one. Oh Lord, the news article said that more than 400 inches… Read more
Split Personality??
Reading Time: 2 minutesOn December 31, 1899, Captain John Phillips was navigating the passenger-cargo ship SS Warrimoo when his crew informed him that they were approaching the equator. Captain Phillips had his navigator double check their position, and then adjusted the course and speed of the Warrimoo so that at exactly 12 a.m., the ship… Read more
New Author, Fun Book Series
Reading Time: 2 minutesI recently discovered an author I’d never heard of before. I ran across a book called While We Were Watching Downton Abbey at a used book store. It was a such a fun read I decided to research the author. To my surprise I found that she’s written more than 10 books,… Read more
Assume!? Big Mistake.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteconsider myself a pretty smart cookie. But I got served a big helping of humility yesterday. Thankfully it was one of those bad news/good news things and I came out on the sunny side of a very stormy week, relearning a lesson I already knew, but obviously forgot to apply. Last… Read more
A Perfect Life
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAllow me to wax philosophical for one minute. I am content, quietly happy and fully satisfied. I have enough. I am at peace, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I am happy to be alive and living in paradise every day. There is nothing I need or want that I don’t have the… Read more
The Abecedarian With a Meldrop
Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve been reading a lot lately and find myself still looking up words whose meaning I don’t know or are used out of the context in which I know them. In doing that I’ve run across a few words lately that frankly, make me laugh. Take the title of the post. An… Read more
Spilling Our Guts
Reading Time: < 1 minute<Big Sigh> Interior hurricane damage repair started yesterday. The poor house. A team of mold specialists came in and just started ripping the guts out of our master bedroom wing. There wasn’t a lot of mold, but there sure was a lot of water damage to the drywall on the end… Read more