Category: Shorts
Our High Places
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’ve never before said this publicly, but God knows how proud I am of my husband Randy, and the effort he’s made in starting and maintaining his website, Our High Places. Years ago Randy had a conversation with a friend who told him that she kept a journal of all the… Read more
Swimming Pigs
Reading Time: < 1 minuteImagine (if you can) that one of your dream vacations is to visit the Bahamas, mainly to have the Swimming Pigs experience. OK, neither can I imagine that. But I did find a travel blogger who said that. See for yourself here. Our cruise included a choice to book a shore… Read more
Cruise Virgins
Reading Time: < 1 minuteUp until now Randy and I have never had any desire or given much thought to taking a cruise. People. That always the problem for us. So many people, so little space. But it seems like EVERYONE we know who lives in Florida are cruise veterans. And most people love them… Read more
Avatar 2 3D Movie Review
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy best friend, Lynn (Randy’s sister) and I watched the first Avatar a few days ago to prepare us to see the sequel in 3D this week. Since it’s been 13 years between Avatar and Avatar 2, and because I’m not a movie buff, I remembered almost nothing of the first… Read more
The Pool is Heated
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe rest of the country is parked in the deep freeze. I’ve talked to friends today in places that aren’t Florida and they all have temperatures in the negative number, as in below 0. And then, adding the wind chill, well…. In this location (Loon Lake, WA) the forecast was -2.… Read more
Fire and Water
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhy is it that we can stare at campfires and beach waves for long periods of time? Here’s a video link to a video I took one day on the beach. What’s the fascination? Why are people compelled to sit around a campfire or on a beach for hours? Why do… Read more
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI heard the shocking news a couple of days ago that one of my best friends from the Air Force died of a heart attack in October. She was younger than I and much more active. Apparently it was a sudden and completely unexpected death. Carol was no longer married and… Read more
The Truth About Thanksgiving
Reading Time: 2 minutesThere’s no law that says you have to serve turkey on Thanksgiving Day. And there’s no evidence that turkeys were served at what is depicted as the first Thanksgiving Day when the pilgrims in New England sat down with the Wampanoag people in 1621. The Wampanoag brought deer and the pilgrims provided… Read more
I’m Losing My Tan
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s a first world problem, I know. It’s just that I love to hang out at the beach, and around the pool. It’s one of the main reasons we moved to Florida. And honestly, that nice toasty tan color does look good on me. It’s been effortless to maintain my tan… Read more
Reading Time: 2 minutesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder. You usually hear about that related to folks who’ve been in war and combat, or from those coming out of domestic violence situations. Recently though, I’ve seen people on Facebook and NextDoor who went through Hurricane Ian mentioning that they feel like they have a touch of PTSD… Read more